IX Political Activity
A. Employees who file for candidacy in any local, state, or federal office shall disclose the filing to Human Resources immediately.
B. City employees may not engage in the distribution or publication of materials approving or favoring candidates for nomination or election to public office during work or office hours or in any public building. Employees may not engage in furthering the interest of candidates for public office during work or office hours through the publication or editing of newspaper articles or other media announcements, or engage in the solicitation of money for the purpose of aiding or defeating the election of any candidate for any public office. Employees may not use their office or position for the political enhancement of any individual or group.
C. Employees may not become candidates for general election to the office of West Valley City Mayor or City Council member, unless the employee takes a leave according to these policies and procedures or resigns from City employment effective the day after the primary election.
D. Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed as interfering with the right of employees to become members of political clubs or organizations, attend political meetings, express opinions on all political subjects, enjoy freedom from interference in voting, or contribute freely to political causes.
E. While in City uniform, or otherwise representing the City, employees may not wear campaign buttons, signs, or articles of clothing, or otherwise actively or passively campaign for candidates for political office.
F. The following policies apply for political leave:
1. City Elections: An employee who becomes a candidate in the general municipal election for office of West Valley City Mayor or City Council member must take leave without pay the day following the primary election. If elected, the employee must resign from City employment.
2. Non-Conflicting Office: An employee who enters an election for a non-conflicting elective office may take a leave without pay during the campaign and, if elected, for the duration of the office. If an employee elects to take a leave of absence for the duration of the office, all accrued time must be paid out prior to the leave and will not continue to accrue while on leave. The employee may, at the City Manager’s discretion, return to City employment in a comparable position upon completion or termination of all political duties. “Non-conflicting” means that no conflict exists between the duties of the office sought and the duties of City employment.
3. Conflicting Office: An employee who enters an election for a conflicting office may take a leave without pay during the campaign period. If elected, the employee must immediately resign from employment with the City or resign from the elected office. “Conflicting” means that a conflict exists between the duties of the office and the duties of City employment. Amended 10/24/22 EO 22-155