IV Return to Work
A. Immediately following initial treatment for a work related injury the employee shall return to work for regular full duty (“Full Duty”) unless directed otherwise by the treating authorized Medical Provider. The employee shall obtain a written return to work release (“Work Release”) from the Medical Provider and shall report to the Human Resource Office before returning to the employee’s regular place of work. The employee’s supervisor shall verify that the employee has reported to the Human Resource Office before allowing the employee to return to the work site.
B. If an employee is directed by the authorized Medical Provider to not return immediately to full duty, the employee shall immediately provide the Human Resource Office with a Physician’s note that states:
1. The Medical Provider has directed the employee to not return to full duty.
2. The reasons for such direction and the prognosis of the injury.
3. The expected date and time the employee will be released by the Medical Provider to Transitional Duty and ultimately Full Duty.
4. The work restrictions the Medical Provider has placed on the employee.