The Treasury Division is supervised by the City Treasurer and shall:
(1) Keep in proper books, a full and accurate account of all the monies, bonds, or other securities received and disbursed by the City Treasurer in behalf of the City, specifying the time of receipt and disbursement, from whom received and to whom disbursed, on what account received and disbursed, and how paid.
(2) Cancel all warrants and other evidences of debt against the City whenever paid by the City Treasurer, by writing or stamping across the face thereof the words, “Paid by the City Treasurer,” with the date of payment written or stamped thereon. The City Treasurer shall give or cause to be given to every person paying money to the City a receipt or other evidence of payment therefore, specifying, as appropriate, the date of payment and upon which account paid, and shall file the duplicate of the receipt, a summary report, or other evidence of payment with the Chief Accountant.
(3) Receive and have custody of all monies paid to the City and disburse City monies upon the warrant of the Chief Accountant. The City Treasurer, or, in the City Treasurer’s absence, the Finance Director, shall sign all checks prepared by the Accounting Division. Prior to affixing the signature, the City Treasurer or the Finance Director shall determine that a sufficient amount is on deposit in the appropriate bank account of the City to honor the check. The Finance Director, with approval of the City Manager, may also designate a person in addition to the City Treasurer to countersign checks.
(4) Pay City employees, upon presentation of the properly certified payroll.
(5) Demand and receive all monies and fees owing to the City whenever any person is indebted to the City in any manner and the means of collection of such debt is not otherwise provided for by law. When any claim is not collectible by other methods, the City Treasurer shall report the same to the City Attorney for possible legal action.
(6) Receive all money payable to the City within three business days after collection, including all taxes, licenses, fines, and intergovernmental revenue, and keep an accurate detailed account thereof in the manner provided by state law, ordinance, or resolution.
(7) Promptly deposit all City funds in the appropriate bank accounts of the City.
(8) Collect all special taxes and assessments, as provided by law and ordinance. All money received by the City Treasurer on any special assessment shall be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made. The money shall be used for the payment of interest and principal on bonds or other indebtedness issued in settlement thereof, and shall be used for no other purpose whatever, except as otherwise provided in Section 10-6-131, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended.
(9) In the event the City is without funds on deposit in one of its appropriate bank accounts, the Finance Director shall draw and sign a warrant upon the City Treasurer of the payee named thereon. The City Treasurer shall pay all warrants in the order in which presented and as money becomes available for payment thereof in the appropriate funds of the City. The City Treasurer shall note upon the back of each warrant presented the date of presentation and the date of payment.
(10) Provide for the investment of all idle cash.
(11) Make a daily settlement with the Chief Accountant of the amounts received and paid out during the day for which settlement is being made, and, at such settlements, deliver to the Chief Accountant, properly canceled, all warrants and other obligations of the City paid by the City Treasurer since the last settlement and take a receipt therefore in duplicate, one to be turned over to the Finance Director and one to be retained by the City Treasurer, and once each month the City Treasurer shall balance accounts with the Chief Accountant, and, which monthly settlement shall show the balance to the credit of the several funds for which the City Treasurer is responsible.
(12) Make a detailed report to the Finance Director on the first day of each month as to the business of the City Treasurer’s office during the month preceding, showing the balance on hand to the credit of the different funds at the time of the City Treasurer’s last report, the amount received during the month, and on what account, together with such other items and facts as the Finance Director may require.
(13) Provide visitor information services, including incoming telephone calls to the City, mail services, and greeting and routing citizens visiting City Hall.