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The Historic Preservation Commission may recommend that the City Council designate historic properties to the Historic Sites List as a means of providing recognition to and encouraging the preservation of historic properties in the community.

(1) Criteria for Designating Properties to the West Valley City Historic Sites List. Any district, building, structure, object or site may be designated to the Historic Sites List if it meets all the criteria outlined below:

a. It is located within the official boundaries of the city.

b. It is at least 50 years old.

c. It retains its historic integrity, in that there are no major alterations or additions that have obscured or destroyed the significant historic features. Major alterations that would destroy the historic integrity include, but are not limited to, changes in pitch of the main roof, enlargement or enclosure of windows on the principal facades, addition of upper stories or the removal of original upper stories, covering the exterior walls with non-historic materials, moving the resource from its original location to one that is dissimilar to the original, additions which significantly detract from or obscure the original form and appearance of the house when viewed from the public way.

d. If the property does not meet the integrity requirements outlined in 3.a., it may still qualify for designation if it meets one of the following requirements for exceptional significance:

i. It is directly associated with events of historic significance in the community.

ii. It is closely associated with the lives of persons who were of historic importance to the community.

iii. It exhibits significant methods of construction or materials that were used within the historic period.

e. It has been documented according to the Utah State Historic Preservation Office standards for intensive level surveys (June 1993 version or subsequent revisions) and copies of that documentation have been placed in the local and state historic preservation files.

(2) Designation Procedures. Any person, group, or government agency may nominate a property for listing in the West Valley City Historic Sites List. The nomination and listing procedures are as follows:

a. Completed Intensive Level Survey documentation for each nominated property must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission.

b. The commission will review and consider properly submitted nominations at its next scheduled meeting. The commission will notify the nominating party, either orally or in writing, one week prior to the meeting that the nomination will be considered and will place that item on the agenda posted for the meeting. The one-week notification may be waived at the nominating party's option in order to accommodate "last-minute" submittals.

c. The Historic Preservation Commission will review the documentation for completeness, accuracy and compliance with the "Criteria for Designating Historic Properties to the West Valley City Historic Sites List" and will make its decision accordingly.

(3) Results of Designation to the Historic Sites List.

a. Owners of officially designated historic sites may obtain a historic site certificate from the Historic Preservation Commission. The certificate contains the historic name of the property, the date of designation, and signatures of the mayor and the Historic Preservation Commission chairperson.

b. If a historic site is to be demolished or extensively altered, efforts will be made to document its physical appearance before that action takes place.

i. The City will delay issuing a demolition permit for a maximum of thirty (30) days and will notify a member of the Historic Preservation Commission, which will take responsibility for the documentation.

ii. Documentation will include, at minimum, exterior photographs (both black-and-white and color slides) of all elevations of the historic building. When possible, both exterior and interior measurements of the building will be made in order to provide an accurate floor-plan drawing of the building.

iii. The demolition permit will be issued after thirty (30) days of the initial application whether or not the Commission has documented the building. The permit may be issued earlier if the Commission completes its documentation before the thirty-day deadline.

(4) Removal of Properties from the Historic Sites List. Properties which, in the opinion of the Historic Preservation Commission, no longer meet the criteria for eligibility may be removed from the Historic Sites List after review and consideration by the commission and recommendation to the City Council.

(Ord. No. 08-44 Enacted 09/17/2008)