The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the following duties:
(1) Survey and Inventory Community Historic Resources. The Historic Preservation Commission shall conduct or cause to be conducted a survey of the historic, architectural, and archaeological resources within the community. The survey shall be compatible with the Utah Inventory of Historic and Archaeological Sites. Survey and inventory documents shall be maintained and shall be open to the public. The survey shall be updated at least every ten years.
(2) Review Proposed Nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. The Historic Preservation Commission shall review and comment to the State Historic Preservation Officer on all proposed National Register nominations for properties within the boundaries of West Valley City. When the Historic Preservation Commission considers a National Register nomination which is normally evaluated by professionals in a specific discipline and that discipline is not represented on the Commission, the Commission shall seek expertise in that area before rendering its decision.
(3) Provide advice and information.
a. The Historic Preservation Commission shall act in an advisory role to the City Council regarding the identification and protection of local historic and archaeological resources.
b. The Historic Preservation Commission shall work toward the continuing education of citizens regarding historic preservation and community history.
(4) Assist in the maintenance and rehabilitation of city-owned historic buildings and sites.
(5) Recommend to the City Manager that the City apply for and administer grants and other financial aid for historic preservation projects in the City.