3-10-1203. MEETINGS.
(1) All advisory boards shall hold a minimum of one regularly scheduled meeting per year. A meeting schedule shall be set during the first meeting of the board and shall be provided to the City Manager and to the City Recorder.
(2) In the event that an advisory board determines that additional meetings are necessary, the meeting schedule shall be provided to the City Manager and City Recorder.
(3) The meeting schedule provided to the City Manager shall act as official notice to all advisory board members.
(4) All meetings shall be conducted by the Chair of the advisory board.
(5) Written minutes of all meetings shall be kept. Such minutes shall include the date, time and place of the meeting, the names of the members present, and absent, the substance of all matters discussed or decided, a record of all votes taken and any other information a member requests be entered into the minutes.
(6) All meetings shall conform to state law requirements.